What are the Enneagram Subtypes?

by | Jun 10, 2022 | Enneagram Basics, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7, Type 8, Type 9 | 0 comments

We all know of the nine main personality types in the Enneagram typology system. These types represent the nine different ways we look at the world and nine different perspectives on how to live. 
But did you know there are 27 personality types within the Enneagram?
Yep. Twenty-seven. 
Each of the nine types has three subtypes (9 x 3 = 27). These Enneagram subtypes are a subset of the three instinctual drives we all embody: self-preservation, social, and one-to-one (also sometimes referred to as sexual).  
Just like we embody characteristics of all the nine types but are dominant in one, we all have these three instinctual drives but overuse one more than the other two. This dominant instinctual drive will manifest itself in each type in conjunction with the passion, thus resulting in a person’s subtype (Passion + Insitintual Drive = Subtype). 
All 27 Enneagram subtypes have unique views and values. Because of this, each subtype has a distinct growth path to follow. 
Below you will find a brief description of each of the 27 Enneagram subtypes. 
Type Eight

Self-Preservation Eight - "Satisfaction"

Self-Preservation Eights focus on material security and getting what they need. They are quieter and more contained and are the least emotional of the Type Eight subtypes. 

Social Eight - "Solidarity" (Countertype*)

Social Eights focus on protecting others, especially those in the Social Eight’s inner circle. They are not afraid to intervene when they see someone being taken advantage of, and you can often see them involved in social justice causes.

One-to-One Eight - "Possession"

One-to-One Eights are more focused on power and being in the center of everything. Their nickname is “Possession” because they like possessing the energy and attention of the people around them. 
Type Nine

Self-Preservation Nine - "Appetite"

Self-Preservation Nines merge with physical comforts and routines to (subconsciously) avoid showing up in the world. This Nine feels more comfortable being on their own and is more stubborn than the other Type Nine subtypes.

Social Nine - "Participation" (Countertype)

Social Nines merge with groups to feel a sense of belonging but never truly feel like they fit in. These Nines are very outgoing and friendly and do a lot for others without showing their stress or how hard they’re working. 

One-to-One Nine - "Fusion"

One-to-One Nines merge with important others such as a spouse, a friend, a parent, etc. These Nines will take on the other person’s thoughts, feelings, and interests. This makes it hard for the One-to-One Nine to know their own opinions and interests. 
Type One

Self-Preservation One - "Worry"

Self-Preservation Ones are the true perfectionists of all the Enneagram subtypes. They are more critical of themselves than others, and they constantly worry about getting things right and avoiding mistakes. 

Social One - "Non-Adaptability"

Social Ones invest their time learning what the “right way” to do something is and will rigidly abide by that way. These Ones are more intellectual and tend to see themselves as role models for others. 

One-to-One One - "Zeal" (Countertype)

One-to-One Ones are the true reformers of the Enneagram and try to make others “perfect.” These Ones tend to be more critical of others and less of themselves. They have an easier time showing their anger than the other Type One subtypes.
Type Two

Self-Preservation Two - "Privilege" (Countertype)

Self-Preservation Twos can appear playful and childlike as an unconscious way of seeking protection and security in relationships. These Twos are very sensitive, and it may be hard for them to “adult.” 

Social Two - "Ambition"

Social Twos are very hard-working and want to be seen as important and well-connected. These Twos are very comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, but they also “give to get” the most of the three Two subtypes.

One-to-One Two - "Seduction"

One-to-One Twos seek to be attractive and appealing and focus on finding a particular person who will give them everything. These Twos are “in love with love” and can suffer tremendously when a relationship ends. 
Type Three

Self-Preservation Three - "Security" (Countertype)

Self-Preservation Threes not only want to look good but want to be morally good. These Threes are some of the biggest workaholics of the Enneagram types, sometimes working so hard that they forget to make time for personal connections. 

Social Three - "Prestige"

Social Threes enjoy having a good image and using status symbols such as a nice car or house to show their success. They’re great at selling and looking good while doing it. These Threes are competitive and assertive. 

One-to-One Three - "Charisma"

One-to-One Threes are more relationship-oriented and like being someone that others are attracted to. They prefer being successful in their support of others and can be a bit of a people-pleaser. These Threes are shyer about getting recognition compared to the other Three subtypes. 
Type Four

Self-Preservation Four - "Tenacity" (Countertype)

Self-Preservation Fours internalize their suffering while looking happy and sunny on the outside. These Fours work hard to get what they feel they lack and tolerate other people’s suffering without complaint. 

Social Four - "Shame"

Social Fours are sometimes nicknamed the “Sad Four” because they are more in touch with their suffering and aren’t afraid to tell you all about their emotions. These Fours are very sensitive and are constantly comparing themselves to others. 

One-to-One Four - "Competition"

One-to-One Fours are sometimes nicknamed the “Mad Four” because they externalize their suffering by making other people suffer. These Fours feel misunderstood by the world and will express anger if they feel they aren’t being heard. 
Type Five

Self-Preservation Five - "Castle"

Self-Preservation Fives prioritize boundaries and having alone time. They are less communicative and aggressive than the other Type Five subtypes. These Fives need a place of refuge to recharge and to feel safe.

Social Five - "Totem"

Social Fives prioritize knowledge and learning. These Fives have high ideals and like to focus on specific areas of study they can become an expert in. They most connect with others who share their ideals or who they can learn from.

One-to-One Five - "Confidence" (Countertype)

One-to-One Fives focus on relationships and are more connected to their emotions than the other Type Five subtypes, though they don’t openly express them. These Fives are looking for the “ideal” relationship and have a greater need for intimacy – under the right conditions.
Type Six

Self-Preservation Six - "Warmth"

Self-Preservation Sixes are the most fearful of the Type Six subtypes. They cope with their fear by being warm and friendly to people to avoid being attacked. They are the most questioning and doubtful of the Type Six subtypes. These Sixes seek to attract allies and friends to feel protected and less threatened. 

Social Six - "Duty"

Social Sixes deal with their fear by finding an authority (e.g., a person, a system, etc.) that will give them rules or guidelines to follow. These Sixes are very intellectual, always wanting to learn, which makes them great troubleshooters and problem-solvers. 

One-to-One Six - "Strength/Beauty" (Countertype)

One-to-One Sixes combat fear by being intense and intimidating. They are counterphobic, though they may not realize what they’re experiencing is fear. These Sixes are the biggest rebels and have the most issues with authority. 
Type Seven

Self-Preservation Seven - "Keeper of the Castle"

Self-Preservation Sevens are very practical and pragmatic. These Sevens are one of the most self-interested of all the Enneagram subtypes. They will create opportunities for themselves to get what they need, often by making allies with others. 

Social Seven - "Sacrifice" (Countertype)

Social Sevens want to make the world a better place for others. They do so by helping others alleviate their pains (while avoiding their own). These Sevens wish to make everyone happy and bring a lot of energy to lift the spirits of those around them. 

One-to-One Seven - "Suggestibility"

One-to-One Sevens are idealistic dreamers. These Sevens live in their imagination and see everything in the world through rose-colored glasses. While they are optimistic, they can also be naive and avoid dealing with the pain of reality. 
Enneagram subtypes give more specific characteristics of each of the nine types. Knowing your subtype will help elevate your self-development journey. Which subtype are you? Let me know in the comments! 
To learn more about the Enneagram subtypes, check out Beatrice Chestnut’s book The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge.

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I’m an Enneagram Entrepreneur helping fellow Enneagram practitioners with their marketing and branding needs. Let’s stay connected!